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This article will discuss a nude mod for Mass Effect 3 on the PC platform. The nude mod allows players to play as a human version of their character without clothing. It was originally made for a smaller scale function of the game's first release, but was later updated by a separate developer with some additional features that were not included in the original development. The nude mod is nothing new to those who have been playing Mass Effect 3 on PC, as it has been around since early September of 2012 and has had versions released since then as well as earlier versions that are still available online today. As with most nude mods, the installation of the mod is dependent on the user's computer and how it is set up. The nude mod is not considered an official release of BioWare and was made by Josef (a.k.a. KC-Devil) who developed and released it for PC Mass Effect 3 users out on September 8, 2012. The mod was developed with a view to achieving a higher level of realism in Mass Effect 3 and also with the idea that players would be able to play as their own customized character (though some players voiced concerns over this aspect). Josef described his goal as such... "Let's say you want to play as an Asari. Your character is custom, but the game just doesn't know anything about it. That's why I came up with this idea." The mod did receive some somewhat negative feedback on its release, many of which were directed towards the idea that it did not give the player their own custom character (though this was not Josef's aim). However, what was said by some players however did put off others, who felt that the nudity was an infringement on their personal space and also for other reasons. Josef has said in an interview that he was at first hesitant to release the mod due to this, but stated that he felt the community was ready and that it would be for the best. This can perhaps be seen in his own words... "I don't like nude mods myself... I ran up against a lot of problematic situations when I released my first nude mod. The people I contacted earlier, back in early September, were not very supportive." "To be honest, I thought it would just go over people's heads and nothing big would come out of it: it was just for fun and to amuse myself. But after I released it, tons of people came up to me and started thanking me for it. That really meant a lot to me." The mod has received quite a few downloads since its original release in September 2012, with the original thread on the official forums dating back all the way to July 31, 2012 (the day before Mass Effect 3's release). The nude mod was also transferred over to the game's 'Hair Mod Compilation' thread on October 23, 2013. cfa1e77820